a snowbird beader, Linda, made these kumihimo bracelets: one with beads on wire, and the other with beads on supermac cord. it was so cool to feel the difference in the braiding using different elements (fiber vs. metal) and i love how you'd never know this came off a disk!
kumihimo is an ancient japanese art of braiding on a standing wooden loom. over hundreds of years, they made cords and ties for scrolls, clothing, armor and used it it cultural rituals to everyday use. thanks to modern day technology, you can do it on a foam disc.
for those of you who have never kumihimo'd before, i guarantee i can teach you in 10 minutes or less - over the counter! (maybe not the beaded version cause the stringing takes some time, but the braid, YES!) it's fun, low-tech, and easy to carry around in your bag - great while you wait in the car, at the hospital, at the bus stop, on the airplane....
make bracelets, lanyards, necklaces, and thanks janice, for the eyeglass cord she just made for me! you'll see me sporting it at the store soon!
good bye lil bracelet! this is a super soft suede wraparound bracelet with sterling silver flowers wrapped along the way, studded with mandarin garnets. i dangled citrine and turquoise on the ends for power, success and good health.
this was my "challenge bracelet" to amanda and michelle last month; to make a project in less than an hour with the new silver flowers! sadly, i was the only one that entered the contest. happily, i won!! hee hee! oh well, celia wore it home.....
anyone ready for challenge, part 2? anyone?? haro?
alrighty then..... jamie