Wednesday, September 29, 2010

my present is my present!

september was overwhelmingly busy - 1 expo, 1 bead show, 4 birthdays, website renovation, 1 anniversary,  1 1st birthday party, 1 surprise birthday (yay gina!), my first acupuncture...... on top of our regular stuff.  OOOH, and my kindle, and my new video camera to do HD beading videos, hoooray!  no wonder i'm pooped out!

all this busy-ness got me to wondering.  am i happy doing all this stuff.  if i did absolutely NONE of it, would i be sitting here tonight feeling exactly the same?  do all of my paths converge into the same future, which is now my present?  is the present, called a present, because it's a gift?

so many questions.   here's some answers from the past 20 days that fill my heart with laughter and joy:
our 11th anniversary

me 'n stephen meditating with my massage equipment

cissy paddling with my rice paddle in my cooler boat

30 scoops of ice cream with my trainer, randy

all dressed up for the beadshow- fancy!

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