Tuesday, August 18, 2009

so k-drama kine.....

this picture is dedicated to my korean drama mama! it's no wonder that when jason and i go to places in hawaii, we're treated like visitors to the island - we look just off the jet!!
viva tourists!

btw, that's at disneyland! the other happiest place in the world (2nd to TBG!)

AND big news, Michelle's baby girl (MIY saw no pee-pee in the photo) is a comin'! Probably within a week. I guessed this coming Sunday, Jason thinks Monday and Anna is figuring next Wednesday... who's the lucky guesser?


Anonymous said...

i chose this wednesday - like tomorrow August 19.
and folks - that bear totem pole is in the California Adventure park... 3rd happiest place in the world to TBG!!!

Gina said...

Say what?! What happened to MIY being due in September? I say Thursday. Do I win a free baby if I guess right?